21 Aug

Colorado, known for many great things to do and see. Out of all the things to do in Colorado from hiking, biking, skiing and more, one of those things is cannabis. In Colorado cannabis for recreational adult use has been legal since 2013 and has grown by leaps and bounds.

The cannabis industry has brought in millions of tourists and with them, millions of dollars in cannabis taxes. Now how did Colorado get from a prohibition state for cannabis to an open welcoming place for the weed enthusiast? The 420 Rally is how.

Denver 420 rally

 The Denver 420 Rally was started way back in 1998 and was a way for cannabis users to voice their opinion on cannabis for medical use. Then the rally consisted of just a handful of people meeting for the cause with their signs, banners and public speakers, meeting in front of the Colorado state capitol in Civic Center Park. 

Back when I went to this rally I sometimes thought "Why am I here, there's hardly anyone here and no one seems to care". I remember leaving the rally early due to not thinking me being there was doing anything.  But year after year I went and supported the cause, as the rally became larger in numbers each year. Then 10 years later medical cannabis was approved for use. And about 5 years after that recreational cannabis became legal. That just goes to show you how a movement can make a change once it gets bigger and more support in the pubic eye.

 Now since cannabis is legal a handful of festivals have popped up to help celebrate the plant. From very small "party" type of gatherings to huge festivals with thousands of guests. One of the biggest being, The Denver 420 Rally that had been going on for years as we elaborated on above. This rally brings in the people from around the globe with numbers of about 30 thousand to 50 thousand celebrators. You will find vendors, activists, music and of course weed at this event. Because of the success o this event others have also became good sized events. This event alone put a ton of money into the Denver economy with everyone staying at 420 hotels, buying food, shopping, and being tourists.

Denver 420 fest

One of those is the Denver 420 Fest or know known as the Colorado 420 Fest. This event is a smaller event, focusing on the industry of cannabis with many vendors from grow supplies, seed distributors, cannabis clothing and others in the realm, with music and entertainment as the secondary enhancement. The Colorado 420 Fest has been in Denver, Colorado Springs and will also be in other cities in the coming years. This event does helpout also with the local economies by having participants staying in local hotels and spending money.

These types of gathering help to push the cannabis agenda into the pubic and show others that cannabis is not the evil drug that was spouted to them for many years. They get to see how diverse the cannabis user is, and how cannabis can be used for many purposes in society. So without these types of events cannabis would probably never reached its goal to become legal and there would still be the false public narrative on how bad cannabis is to the public. 

So go out and enjoy the cannabis gatherings in your city and show everyone how a cohesive group can make a difference in public opinion and laws.

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