Getting cannabis in Canada is a great way to expand your lifestyle and show your community, friends and family that you support this issue and want to find a way to make it happen. You will also be creating a robust list of their locations and shops. And, I believe, you will continue to support these establishments throughout your entire lifestyle and work. You can find some great cannabis products here -
So yes, please come visit. As the hard work of spreading awareness builds and grows, new Ontario providers will emerge, but that requires one thing: local community support.
Cannabis in Canada is an ever a growing business making tax dollars and creating more jobs. With its extensive trade laws and regulated supply chain, Canada has the perfect environment for making a cannabis business a viable endeavor. It's been 12 years since I sold my last container and now, my dream is coming true. Making cannabis concentrate is what this company does and you can find it here. -
I started growing marijuana in Vancouver in 2008. Growing just one small pod was enough to sustain me until 2014 when I started shipping to Canada in a bulk container. In 2014 I opened my original farm. Since then, I've expanded my farm to nearly a half an acre and still growing strong.
However, some cities seem to have played political favorites in their decisions. The Canada Revenue Agency's big weed blunder was this week when they kicked our asses pretty good, bud hard and went to Facebook to try to make everyone know about the huge cut in taxable revenues for cannabis taxes. Marijuana revenues, it turns out, go much further than the revenue that goes to the cops, prosecutors, and judges. Money from all the revenue streams, from taxes to production.
Canada's opposition parties have called on the federal government to "strike a balance" between its proposed new marijuana legislation and the medical marijuana program.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government have previously said they will honour any injunction with respect to marijuana and won't be violating any of the terms of the federal electoral vote.